Dear children of God,
The above Infographic was published by GMA News Research Center in line with the Feast of the Black Nazarene for this year. When I made the decision to inform the news agency, the post already garnered 979 likes and 74 shares. How can they afford to publish something like this? And so I wrote,
"Dear GMA News,
Attention: Agatha Guidaben, GMA News Research
First, I would like to thank the staff for coming up with an Infographic. The Infographic on Black Nazarene somehow caught my attention because of very obvious 'errors'.
1. When you make a table, there should be no repetition of entries. The units, hours and millions, should had been placed on top.
2. Numbers should be right aligned, if not, at least align the decimal places.
3. The information is BETTER presented as a graph and not in tabular form.
4. Infographic means making it more graphical. Grandstand should be depicted better if the image/symbol of grandstand is used, the picture of actual Jones bridge for the bridge and of course Quiapo church for the church.
5. You could have settled for the past six years because data is missing in 2007. In using six years of data, you can already substantiate the information that devotees are increasing.
6. If you have thought of item number 5, you can only provide a 'cleaner' Infographic by adding start/end label near the picture of Quirino and Quiapo Church picture.
7. At least 1/2 of the Infographic is occupied by the title and the design. I don't understand what is really the greater aim, to visually entertain or infotainment.
8. The unit kms is wrong. It is not a standard unit.

Out of curiosity, I checked the Infographic published by Inquirer and aghast is an understatement to describe how I felt seeing,

It got only 533 likes less than that of GMA News but with greater number of shares. I wrote both of them on the same day, January 9 but I got a reply only from GMA News after 19 days had passed.
Unfortunately, Rappler did not publish an Infographic about Nazarene on that day. It would be very interesting considering that Rappler seems to have mathematically and scientifically accurate Infographics. The thing I would like to point out is how your science and math lessons on data presentation or research in particular gives you an edge over those who don't take their lessons seriously. Second, your Science Research makes you a better communicator of information.
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