I don't have much time to spare in reading all science news but I always make sure to scan the headlines. After scanning the headlines I would open the link of those news items which caught my attention. The news article must be interesting enough if I can read the first paragraph if not then I would proceed to other articles. Tonight I found the following articles interesting enough worthy to be shared.
1.1st Photo of Mercury from Orbit. Click the link for you to see how Mercury looks like taken by a spacecraft.
2. 12-year old astrophysics prodigy. This boy simply challenges Big Bang theory, finished his calculus at 8 years old and was offered a researcher job because he knows how to ask the right question. Watching this video reminds me of Gino Morgia. When he was in Pisay during his first year, he was oblivious of other people around him when he eats.
learning is not only confined in the four walls of the classroom. it is sometimes confined in the four corners of the computer screen.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Life is like Coffee Movie
Life is like Coffee Movie: "Do you know people that just seem to be happier in general? Do you say to yourself, "I want to be more like them"? Often, the happiest people in the world don’t have the best of everything...they just make the best of everything!"
Monday, March 28, 2011
my wishes for you
Dear children of God,
You can never thank your parents enough no matter how you'd try to repay them unless you become a parent yourself. In the same manner, you can never thank a teacher enough unless you become a teacher yourself. If you can’t be "like" them then the only way is to make an effort to proliferate their teachings and give justice to what they lived for.
A parent is never good enough unless she raised a good child. A teacher is not great enough unless he taught a child to become a good student. See? By being a good scholar (of God and country), you have thanked me more than the materials things you can offer. Nothing can paint a smile in your parents’ lips than to see you live upright. I also wish you the same. Your parents’ wishes for you and mine are but the same.
I wish you happiness. Alright the better word is joy. Joy is something that emanates from within. It comes from within our heart. It is still there when things would go wrong around you. It is something you can hold on to in times of adversities. You can make it happen. Ok, I also find my idea confusing. This kind of feeling is self initiated rather than influenced by those around you. In other words you hold this in your hands. They say happiness is a choice but it remains as it is if you have a choice in the first place. Therefore happiness is making choices to choose from. But how can you let this happen? Well you decide what you want in life and have a mission. Most people actually exist without really knowing their essence in this world. They end up reaching their journey without making an imprint. They simply passed and they did not touch anyone’s life at all.
That is why to have as many choices to have joy in your heart, it is important that you realize by now what you want in life. It is also worth noting how you want to be remembered when you pass away.
I wish you to remain humble. I always remember my high school teacher telling us always, “Humility is the mother of all virtues”. One cannot possess other virtues if you don’t have humility. You need not brag whatever you have accomplished in life. Everybody knows what we are doing but God still knows why we are doing them.
I wish you to remember always that there is God. My first two wishes for you can only be attained when all things you do are rooted in Him.
dyed laughing
siraris: san-o ka mapuli?
pisayo: sa thursday pa sir.
siraris: na, palugom ka naman buhok before magbalik sa june ha?
pisayo: ano gid lain da sir haw?
siraris: indi ina allowed.
pisaya: huod man sir. si mam **** gani galugom man hair nya.
siraris: hahaha
announcement during flag ceremony..
mam ****: scholars i am reminding everyone to be scholarly in their conduct. this includes the wearing of uniform.
pisaynon: **kinagula**
mam ****: everyone is reminded to wear ID all the time. no one is allowed to dye their hair.
pisayo: di ba dyed rin ang buhok nya? allowed rin ba iyan?
siraris: hahahaha
pisayo: sa thursday pa sir.
siraris: na, palugom ka naman buhok before magbalik sa june ha?
pisayo: ano gid lain da sir haw?
siraris: indi ina allowed.
pisaya: huod man sir. si mam **** gani galugom man hair nya.
siraris: hahaha
announcement during flag ceremony..
mam ****: scholars i am reminding everyone to be scholarly in their conduct. this includes the wearing of uniform.
pisaynon: **kinagula**
mam ****: everyone is reminded to wear ID all the time. no one is allowed to dye their hair.
pisayo: di ba dyed rin ang buhok nya? allowed rin ba iyan?
siraris: hahahaha
Saturday, March 26, 2011
sings mara clara
siraris: di ba valedictorian si mara pero daw sa kamangosa iya no.
pisayo: ha? tuod valedictorian na sya?
siraris: huod nabasahan ko kagab-i.
after awhile..
siraris: baw mga remake na gid subong. ang mula sa puso iremake naman.
pisayo: ???
siraris: wala ka na kabati mula sa puso haw? ang mara clara gani remake man na? memorize ko pa gani ang theme song na. **sings ang buhay minsan nakapagtataka..lalala** amo man na nabatian mo nga kanta?
pisayo: daw indi man sir?
siraris: **continued singing** mara clara ligaya ko na ikaw ay ako ngayon..sa katotohanan..
pisayo: ay amo na sir pareho gali.
siraris: ti insa kaina hambal mo indi pareho.
pisayo: **smiles**
siraris: basi libagon lang pagkanta ko?
pisayo: huod sir libagon gid man.
siraris: **jackie chan mode**
pisayo: ha? tuod valedictorian na sya?
siraris: huod nabasahan ko kagab-i.
after awhile..
siraris: baw mga remake na gid subong. ang mula sa puso iremake naman.
pisayo: ???
siraris: wala ka na kabati mula sa puso haw? ang mara clara gani remake man na? memorize ko pa gani ang theme song na. **sings ang buhay minsan nakapagtataka..lalala** amo man na nabatian mo nga kanta?
pisayo: daw indi man sir?
siraris: **continued singing** mara clara ligaya ko na ikaw ay ako ngayon..sa katotohanan..
pisayo: ay amo na sir pareho gali.
siraris: ti insa kaina hambal mo indi pareho.
pisayo: **smiles**
siraris: basi libagon lang pagkanta ko?
pisayo: huod sir libagon gid man.
siraris: **jackie chan mode**
If Judas never betrayed Jesus how could Jesus die and save us from our sins?
Don't ever lose hope no matter what. Judas did not end up in heaven because he lost hope in Him. Would you like yourself to have a tragic ending? of course everybody wants a happy ending. for now just keep on fighting!! - Sir Aris
sir. .if judas nvr betrayed jesus. .how could jesus die and save us from our sins? - Nonoy Joshua
Dear Nonoy Joshua,
Nonoy Joshua, it is already "written" that someone will betray Jesus and that is Judas. If not Judas then someone would. God's promise must be fulfilled.
If you can still remember, Peter once told Jesus that he wont betray Him. To this Jesus replied that Peter would betray Jesus three times before the clucking of rooster. In other words it is already written. The Lord can foretell actually our forthcoming sins as He is omnipotent. The betrayal of Jesus can be taken metaphorically. Implication? We will all commit mistakes in life and we "betray" Him as well if we won't resist temptation.
Remember that Judas is not the only one wanting Jesus to be crucified. To put it simply, Judas is just an embodiment of our sinful ways, of humanity. It just so happened that Judas has to play that role among sinners.
Jesus died because of our sins and for our salvation. I won't tackle this time how can one offer his own life to save others. Well, the moment you were conceived by your mom is a risk in her life. That is how you are loved by your mom. God did more than that.
If you can still remember, Peter once told Jesus that he wont betray Him. To this Jesus replied that Peter would betray Jesus three times before the clucking of rooster. In other words it is already written. The Lord can foretell actually our forthcoming sins as He is omnipotent. The betrayal of Jesus can be taken metaphorically. Implication? We will all commit mistakes in life and we "betray" Him as well if we won't resist temptation.
Remember that Judas is not the only one wanting Jesus to be crucified. To put it simply, Judas is just an embodiment of our sinful ways, of humanity. It just so happened that Judas has to play that role among sinners.
Jesus died because of our sins and for our salvation. I won't tackle this time how can one offer his own life to save others. Well, the moment you were conceived by your mom is a risk in her life. That is how you are loved by your mom. God did more than that.
Jesus Christ died for us for our salvation. Judas did not take the chance to revert to his old ways and got engulfed by his wicked ways after betraying Jesus. What does it imply? We are but sinners because of the "sala nga palanublion" of Adam and Eve we will always struggle in life to fend off temptations and sins.
Because it is a struggle to become good we admire people who value righteous and moral living. It takes a lot of effort to be good and it requires a strong spirit. Lesson? We have to keep our spirit anchored to His love on us. How do we do this? Well, we should constantly take part in the moment of salvation which is the mass.
As a Christian, it is not right to take one's life. I totally disagree that the General was given a burial rite in Church because of this teaching. We should always ask for His graces every time we sidetrack from our path. Judas should have asked for forgiveness which he did not. It takes a man to ask for forgiveness Joshua. The only provision set by the Church on this matter is when the person lost his mind. In this event the person has no right to take his own life. But you may consider reading this information or this blog.
Because it is a struggle to become good we admire people who value righteous and moral living. It takes a lot of effort to be good and it requires a strong spirit. Lesson? We have to keep our spirit anchored to His love on us. How do we do this? Well, we should constantly take part in the moment of salvation which is the mass.
As a Christian, it is not right to take one's life. I totally disagree that the General was given a burial rite in Church because of this teaching. We should always ask for His graces every time we sidetrack from our path. Judas should have asked for forgiveness which he did not. It takes a man to ask for forgiveness Joshua. The only provision set by the Church on this matter is when the person lost his mind. In this event the person has no right to take his own life. But you may consider reading this information or this blog.
kaya nga sir . .wla akong sinabi na nag contradict. .kung baga sir. .God wanted Judas to betray him. .Judas was God's instrument. . malas nya lng xa pinili. .at malas nya din ang mga tao ngaun sees him only as a betrayer and not an instrument.
pro sir that's missing what i'm saying. .im not saying i dont believe in God's plan of salvation or that I doubt that Jesus loves me. .but the thing is, you're blaming Judas that he did not repent and ask for forgiveness, when it was God's plan that Judas betray Jesus. .daw kumbaga sir, forcing it that Judas reconcile himself would be like Jesus saying no to God wanting Jesus to dieIf it is wrong to take your own life then how about taking others' life? Indi gid pwede. So the RH bill is never a Christian act. I hope you will bear this in mind because you wish to become a doctor in the future. I just can't reconcile th...at the very author of RH bill is a doctor and a Christian. Ever since I cannot comprehend how politicians think except for some who are rational.
Joshua, I got your point exactly. Judas and the rest of us have free wills right? God gave us this free will. Judas did not act according to his conscience. As what I have told you in the previous comment, Jesus died for our sins and never for Judas' sins. If ever Judas did not betray Jesus I guess Jesus will still die for us because the "hour of salvation" must happen as promised right after what happened in the Garden of Good and Evil, the offering of Abraham's son, promises in Mt Sinai, preaching of the prophets and the Annunciation of Mary. The betrayal of Jesus by Judas is just a parcel of the fulfillment of this promise whether from old to new testament.
not good...
Joshua, do you believe that Jesus is a God and a man just the same? If you do then you should not be stating "would be like Jesus saying no to God wanting Jesus to die". Jesus is God himself personified. We can never believe in Him as man a...lone or God alone but both God and man.
Yes, it appears I'm blaming Judas but he was part of the only decree of Christ to us: to celebrate the mass equal to hour of salvation. How can one turn his back from this lovely gift? How can anyone close his eyes from God's unending grace?
Malas si Judas because He was chosen? I disagree. He was never chosen by Jesus. He fell to the works of the devil who enticed him of silver coins (note: MONEY). Just like Judas we will be confronted in same situation in life. So it is up to us to decide which path to take Joshua.
what is not good?
Yes, it appears I'm blaming Judas but he was part of the only decree of Christ to us: to celebrate the mass equal to hour of salvation. How can one turn his back from this lovely gift? How can anyone close his eyes from God's unending grace?
Malas si Judas because He was chosen? I disagree. He was never chosen by Jesus. He fell to the works of the devil who enticed him of silver coins (note: MONEY). Just like Judas we will be confronted in same situation in life. So it is up to us to decide which path to take Joshua.
what is not good?
We should remember that every time we commit sin we manifest Judas in us. But we should never run away from the problem or ignore the problem. We should face it squarely and find hope amidst what troubles us. The fight ends when we also stop breathing. So they say that our mission still goes on as long as we are living.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
What is the chance that it will rain during recognition/graduation day? check link number 3!
Top SciNewsLink for the last two days..
1. Japan Earthquake: before and after. I really find the apps so cool. You have to drag the vertical line in the picture for you to see the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami thereafter.
2. Satellite imagery of Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. There are links below for you to see the imagery from Google map. Can anyone tell me how was it done?
3. New weather website. This is a cool website which provides maps, graphs and report. If you are not from Iloilo city then you go this link and make sure to change your current location. Under the reports tab, you check what will happen on the 28th and the 29th of March.
4. Supermoon and earthquake in Japan. This is a nice article disspelling the connection of supermoon and earthquake.
5. Stop Disaster Game. This games works like your Farmville or Cityville. The main difference is how you can learn science while playing the game.
1. Japan Earthquake: before and after. I really find the apps so cool. You have to drag the vertical line in the picture for you to see the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami thereafter.
2. Satellite imagery of Japan Earthquake & Tsunami. There are links below for you to see the imagery from Google map. Can anyone tell me how was it done?
3. New weather website. This is a cool website which provides maps, graphs and report. If you are not from Iloilo city then you go this link and make sure to change your current location. Under the reports tab, you check what will happen on the 28th and the 29th of March.
4. Supermoon and earthquake in Japan. This is a nice article disspelling the connection of supermoon and earthquake.
5. Stop Disaster Game. This games works like your Farmville or Cityville. The main difference is how you can learn science while playing the game.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
defense transcripts
panel: how will you know if the plant is still healthy?
pisaya: kay indi pa sya laya.
siraris: why did i fail to realize this sooner?!
panel: how will you know if if dry na sya?
pisaya: it doesn't have moisture content.
siraris: why was it not obvious to me at first?
panel: how about the charring, how will you know if it had been charred?
panel: does charring...?
siraris: daw CHARrot chinez..haha!
panel: how will you know if it is a mosquito egg?
pisayo: gatipon sila sir.
panel: you mean ga-aggregate sila?
pisayo: yes sir!
panel: how big is a mosquito egg?
pisayo: daw piso?!
panel: daw pisooooooooooo????? you mean nagagamay ang mosquito from egg to adult?
pisayo: sa picture bala sir daku ang egg mo.
siraris: **dies laughing** picture gali.
Monday, March 21, 2011
SciNews: links to top science news
I wish I could share you all the things which caught my attention every night every time I read newspapers or e-news but it would be a tedious task. So I will just be recommending sites and articles you should know about what is "in" in the scientific world.
1. Supermoon. The link will show you pictures shared by those who went out and observed the supermoon phenonmenon.
2. Japan Quake Location. You will be surprised to read in this article the location of the Japan quake. Much had been said about the earthquake, tsunami, etc.
3. Amateur Tsunami Video. I wish we could be as calm as Japanese when we face disaster. Just check the video link. A good video that shows many split second correct decisions made.
4. Pre and Post Tsunami Pics. It is depressing to see the damage done by the earthquake but I find it cool to see the changes capture by Google.
5. Fukushima Nuclear Plant Update. Everyone is suspecting that journalist would get their information on nuclear plant status form this website. Why don't you check it yourself.
6. Earth's inertia. I though that this is an interesting link. The Earth's moment of inertia has been decreased by the recent earthquake in Japan.
Enjoy reading and watching!
TXT2TEACH, 5 years of keeping ignorance away through every text a day.
Aris:(March 01, 2011 20:48:15)
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. 4 things must be present at the same time in order to produce fire: enough oxygen to sustain combustion, enough heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature, some sort of fuel or combustible material & d chemical, exothermic reaction that is fire. March is Fire Prevention Month.
Aris:(March 03, 2011 20:01:59)
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. Wood, paper and gasoline don't burn. The gasses they emit DO.
SIRARIS:(March 03, 2011 20:36:46)
The lighter fluid is composed of flammable hydrocarbons that volatilize at room temperature and so are ready to ignite without kindling. As d gasses from d fluid burn, they heat the charcoal or wood & eventually distill it and allow the METHANOL AND OTHER VOLATILE FRACTIONS of the wood to become gas & to combust.
Aris:(March 06, 2011 19:30:13)
SIR ARIS TXT2PREACH. if you find yourself in a storm or in the rain, know God is with you. It is not about the Lord removing the storm clouds every time but allowing Him to embrace you in the midst of the darkness & cold. He can keep you warm in the bittern rain.He can shield you frm the battering winds. don't give up!
Aris:(March 07, 2011 20:31:35)
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. Long, long ago, women used to put beeswax on their faces (as a cosmetic).Often times, they would sit too close to the fire and the wax would melt. From this came the term "mind your beeswax".
Aris:(March 09, 2011 20:08:31)
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. An ash (made from salt and vegetable- dried and turned into ash) is used in cheesemaking. Ash is used for visual contrast, form a thin rind & ripening. Acidity in cheese can inhibit ripening, preventing cheese from reaching its optimal flavor and texture so ash is needed to neutralize acidity.
Aris:(March 14, 2011 18:56:36)
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. There is no truth to text rumors that radiation from a nuclear plant in Japan has reached the Philippines accdg to DOST & Phil. Nuclear Research Iinstitute.The water/air current & wind pattern in Japan showed that the Philippines is unlikely to be hit by any radioactive fallout from Fukushima.
Aris:(March 15, 2011 20:18:13)
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. 'Supermoon' is a situation when the moon is slightly closer to Earth in its orbit than on average, a difference of 26,323 km. The supermoon (or perigee) this March 19, 2011 Saturday won't make any noticeable difference in moon's appearance but it would be extra brighter (more luminous).
Aris:(March 20, 2011 09:41:42)
SIR ARIS TXT2PREACH. We all have those days when we wonder "Who could love me?" Turns out, the Maker of all things does. Have a blessed Sunday! Thanks to all your support to TXT2TEACH, 5 years of keeping ignorance away through every text a day.
pisayo: sir, use Garrido in the sentence bi?
siraris: sige bi.
pisayo: Hoy, indi kamo maggahod sa library ay. May nagarrido.
**nag-inulan mais**
Friday, March 18, 2011
How big will the Moon be on its perigee (supermoon)?
Dear Children of God,
You have heard probably the announcement that there will be "supermoon" today. It claims that the moon will be "extra big" compared to the previous full moons in the last 18 years you have seen it. That is if you took the time to watch the full moons for the past 18 years. By the way, when was the last time you had a moon observation?
The more basic question is, "How big would it be?"
Before I answer the question quantitatively let me tell you that before you can make any comparison you should have a reference point. This would mean that you have an idea at least how large the moon is during full moons. But my darling you cannot exactly tell the difference by mere observation that the moon would appear 10 to 15% larger. In other words the change in size is imperceptible and momentarily to ordinary observation. To those who requested for telescope viewing, remember that telescope will just make appear heavenly objects (roy, it is not what you think of, ok?) seem near but it won't necessarily magnify it. Jay Albert, of the Astronomical Society of the Palm Beaches, said the best way to view it will be with the naked eye, not a telescope. The lunar surface will be too bright to easily discern mountains and craters.
You see it would be hard for us to tell that Sharon slimmed down if we have not seen how fat she was before? We cannot also tell if someone became taller not until we have seen him months before. So it is important that we have a basis or point of reference.
Will the moon be brighter during supermoon?
I can understand if an ordinary citizen would ask me this but not from a scholar. Haven't you thought of comparing it to a flash light with small and big aperture (aperture: the diameter of the flash light opening end). In other words with the increase in size is the increase in brightness by 30% than lesser full moons (when the moon is at its farthest from Earth). Of course this depends on weather condition during observation.
Supermoon VS. Perigee
Supermoon is for astrology while perigee is for astronomy. Astrology is for those who still cling to their nomadic instinct of thinking that stars' position has bearing to their daily existence. Astronomy is the scientific study of the cosmos and that is what we do in the Physics laboratory.
But why are they using the term supermoon than perigee? Well, some would like to get in touch with their nomadic instinct. Perigee on the other hand would sound peri gee! my hair smells terrific. Peri means near while gee refers to with respect to. This can be likened to perihelium which means that any object which is at its nearest with respect to helium or sun.
Why is there a perigee?
Perigee is the result of moon's elliptical orbit around the earth. Being elliptical there are times that its position is near or far with respect to the psoition of the earth. This holds true in the case of earth and Sun system.
There are times when Moon appears bigger. This happens when Moon is near horizon. How does this happen?
This is but an optical illusion. The explanation lies on how our brains calculate the distance and size of objects in the sky in the case of the Moon.
Take the following iluustration below for instance:

If you simply glance at the picture above the round image below appears bigger than the round image above. Now I want you to get a measuring device and measure the diameter of the image and you will be surprised to find out that they are the same.
It is not magic. The illusion is due to the nearby objects from which we based the size of the image. It is best explained by the illustration below.
Scientific lesson of the story:
- If you are dark-skinned refrain from wearing clothes which will enhance your skin tone.
- If you are short then dont stand beside someone who is taller than you do.
- If you are fat then refrain from being with thinner than you do.
- If your set of teeth is yellowish then wear "dark-toned" lipstick.
So to take advantage of the supermoon I mean the unusual perigee of the Moon as it rises from the horizon.
Clear skies,
Did Sharon really slim down?
Dear Children of God,
ok, let me clear this out to all sharonians. i have nothing against her for all her sacrifices to entertain us after all these years but i just to do my job as a science teacher and business is business. this is for my students whom i want to realize how significant and applicable physics is to resolve issues even in showbiz. i know it is an overkill or way overacting.
The two main reasons:
1. figure-ground ambiguities. is it not obvious that hair of sharon was made deliberately so as to make her face small. it is a contrast of white (the face) and the foreground (the hair). so naging white against black indi bala? this way our brain would process the image (yes in terms of color) that a change had indeed taken place. less white (skin surface area) means "thinner" sharon.
2. size and depth perception. i have to add this second factor because you might be asking, "how about the neck which shows more skin?". well, this imagery is due to size and depth perception. in her round neck blouse our brain conjures "roundness" to "fatness" while a v-neck conjures "slimness" due to the wide to close formation of the v shape. now, try to imagine if she wears a round neck blouse in her marie france body.
do i need to explain the use of the belt? it tightens the blouse for sure but it is a combination of two factors above. same is true with a longer blouse.
why was she told to extend her arms? this can be explained by number 1 factor. it was to emphasize the waist. it is simply to enhance the background-foreground of her body against the white backdrop. do i need to add that the background in the right side is whiter?
one more thing pina cross over ang left leg nya over the other to have a "thinner" look..hindi sya photoshop doc hayden kho..you just failed to remember your optics..haha
carmen cita added, "plus naga side view sya sa round neck blouse to look like broad shoulder niya then gin face front siya marie france body with emphasis sa line sang armpit sa dress niya to look like nag slim siya. nag intra gid (pwede mo man delete sir ah) hehehe..."
and she wore that very loose blouse sa "before" nya na body which made her look fatter, to emphasize the contrast between the "before" and "after". it's not like her body occupied all the space inside that blouse before (Salvador, 2011).
sharon vs siraris in a research defense regarding the weight loss..
sharon: i trimmed down by 30%.
siraris: is that the measure of change in weight? in percentage?
sharon: basta nagtrim down ako.siraris: what formula did you use to arrive at the 30%?
sharon: **licks ice cream** nakita mo ang lines sa gilid ng barko ng super ferry? i checked the mark before embarking then check again once inside the boat. get the difference of the two.
siraris: did you properly control all the variables in your study?
sharon: oo naman. control ako ng control sa aking kain.
siraris: what device was used in measuring your weight?
sharon: kung mabigat ako lulubog ba ang super ferry ko at patalon talon pa ako from one barko to another? duh!
siraris: may i see your data logbook for witnesses?
sharon: witnesses ko lahat ng umiinom ng alaska, ang kumakain ng lucky me napa, sumasakay ng super ferry, dumidila sa nestle ice cream, nag mamcdo, at iba pa. by the way, why are you asking for witnesses? dont you trust me?
siraris: it has come to our attention that you had your picture photoshopped? (wala may mabais kung ngaa naging verb ang photoshop. haha)
sharon: haven't you noticed the difference?
siraris: i am not in the position to prove it. you better prove your study.
sharon: Bukas luluhod ang mga tala.
siraris: Ang problema sa'yo maaga kang ipinanganak!
sharon: Gutay-gutay na ang katawan nyo... pati na ang kaluluwa nyo!
siraris: Taas na nga kamay ko sayo eh, mahal na nga kita
palagay ko eh, maging sino ka man.
sharon: You made me believe, you made me believe we had a
sharon, you are nothing but a second-rate trying hard product of optical illusion,
Why should you (not) apply Betadine?
Dear Children of God,
I guess most of you had received the text message:
I felt aghast of whoever started this but I pity those who bought the scam without thinking first on what to do. I have mixed emotion over this because it speaks of how scientifically literate we are as a nation. Sa mga nasing-alan kaina pasensya na. Ok, let me discuss how can one figure out that the text is a hoax and why learning basic science is important.
1. BBC News (Research 1). Your basic skill in Science Research should remind you always about sources of information. Why will you take the forwarded text message as a "primary" source of information? My goodness, we dont take news from any channel as truth. We even have to check the veracity of information and look into the different sides of the story. I think it would be more reliable if the announcement comes from DOST's Philippine Nuclear Research Institute which monitors the radiation level in air. By the way how many are you willing to take Physics-related course?
2. Plants (English 1). Plant and not plants. There is only one power plant. What they are referring to and are worried of are the reactors. See, how important is the pluralization in the context of this science news?
3. Asian countries (World History). When was the last time you checked the world map? If there was a leakage indeed then the spread would be outward. The point of reference is Japan or Fukushima plant in particular. If the spread is outward then the ones affected are within the radius several kilometers away. Why consider Asian countries when we have Asian countries which are way far from Japan?
4. Betadine (Health). Swab Betadine? Why use Betadine in this case? Why are we barnd specific? Is Betadine truin to sell more to reach its sales quota?
5. Stay indoors first 24 hours (Chemistry). Ok, the advice to stay indoors is to avoid the acid rain. Since when does radiation mix with water and produce acid rain? As far as I know only sulfur oxide and carbon dioxide would react with water vapor in the rain to produce sulfuric acid and carbonic acid respectively.
6. Radiation brought by rain, water and air (Earth Science). The air current pattern right now is leading to the Pacific. Water and air current is northward. So if there will be a leakage then it wont hit us. It would be another story if there will be weather disturbances that would change the current weather patterns.
7. Hit Philippines at 4pm (Math). If only one knows that one cannot be definite when it comes to occurrence of rainfall. Since when did a climatologist tell us that a rain would fall at a specific time? Of course there is mathematical probability but the text message appears that s/he is definite of the time. Do I have to mention people who believe that earthquakes can be predicted in the same fashion as volcanic eruptions and tropical cyclones?
Something to ponder: Have you received any text advisory before from any of our government agencies? Maybe a GSIS greeting on your birthday. GSIS never fails to tell me to activate my UMID card as well.
Now I want you to copy the message below and send to your friends:
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. There is no truth to text rumors that radiation from a nuclear plant in Japan has reached the Philippines accdg to DOST & Phil. Nuclear Research Institute.The water/air current & wind pattern in Japan showed that the Philippines is unlikely to be hit by any radioactive fallout from Fukushima.
If you send to...
50 and more friends naka UNLITXT ka lang
30-49 friends paubos na ang UNLITXT mo
20-29 friends nakickout ang isang classmate mo
10-19 friends you are saving load
1-9 friends you are suffering from love depression
no one then you are still charging your cellphone
Remember those times when people were not aware of the explanation of solar eclipse. They would panic over the occurrence of the phenomenon. They would attribute it to bad omen and would appease bad spirits. Nowadays, people would panic on a single text message. This is the quantum age but some people are still living in the world of stone age.
I guess most of you had received the text message:
BBC News: Japan govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. Remain indoors first 24hrs. Close doors n windows. Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precaution, radiation may hit Phil at startng 4pm 2day. Pls send to ur loved ones.
I felt aghast of whoever started this but I pity those who bought the scam without thinking first on what to do. I have mixed emotion over this because it speaks of how scientifically literate we are as a nation. Sa mga nasing-alan kaina pasensya na. Ok, let me discuss how can one figure out that the text is a hoax and why learning basic science is important.
1. BBC News (Research 1). Your basic skill in Science Research should remind you always about sources of information. Why will you take the forwarded text message as a "primary" source of information? My goodness, we dont take news from any channel as truth. We even have to check the veracity of information and look into the different sides of the story. I think it would be more reliable if the announcement comes from DOST's Philippine Nuclear Research Institute which monitors the radiation level in air. By the way how many are you willing to take Physics-related course?
2. Plants (English 1). Plant and not plants. There is only one power plant. What they are referring to and are worried of are the reactors. See, how important is the pluralization in the context of this science news?
3. Asian countries (World History). When was the last time you checked the world map? If there was a leakage indeed then the spread would be outward. The point of reference is Japan or Fukushima plant in particular. If the spread is outward then the ones affected are within the radius several kilometers away. Why consider Asian countries when we have Asian countries which are way far from Japan?
4. Betadine (Health). Swab Betadine? Why use Betadine in this case? Why are we barnd specific? Is Betadine truin to sell more to reach its sales quota?
5. Stay indoors first 24 hours (Chemistry). Ok, the advice to stay indoors is to avoid the acid rain. Since when does radiation mix with water and produce acid rain? As far as I know only sulfur oxide and carbon dioxide would react with water vapor in the rain to produce sulfuric acid and carbonic acid respectively.
6. Radiation brought by rain, water and air (Earth Science). The air current pattern right now is leading to the Pacific. Water and air current is northward. So if there will be a leakage then it wont hit us. It would be another story if there will be weather disturbances that would change the current weather patterns.
7. Hit Philippines at 4pm (Math). If only one knows that one cannot be definite when it comes to occurrence of rainfall. Since when did a climatologist tell us that a rain would fall at a specific time? Of course there is mathematical probability but the text message appears that s/he is definite of the time. Do I have to mention people who believe that earthquakes can be predicted in the same fashion as volcanic eruptions and tropical cyclones?
Something to ponder: Have you received any text advisory before from any of our government agencies? Maybe a GSIS greeting on your birthday. GSIS never fails to tell me to activate my UMID card as well.
Now I want you to copy the message below and send to your friends:
SIR ARIS TXT2TEACH. There is no truth to text rumors that radiation from a nuclear plant in Japan has reached the Philippines accdg to DOST & Phil. Nuclear Research Institute.The water/air current & wind pattern in Japan showed that the Philippines is unlikely to be hit by any radioactive fallout from Fukushima.
If you send to...
50 and more friends naka UNLITXT ka lang
30-49 friends paubos na ang UNLITXT mo
20-29 friends nakickout ang isang classmate mo
10-19 friends you are saving load
1-9 friends you are suffering from love depression
no one then you are still charging your cellphone
Remember those times when people were not aware of the explanation of solar eclipse. They would panic over the occurrence of the phenomenon. They would attribute it to bad omen and would appease bad spirits. Nowadays, people would panic on a single text message. This is the quantum age but some people are still living in the world of stone age.
PS: I can tolerate science illiteracy. what pisses me off more is when people would start associating tsunami and earthquake to end of the world. don't get me wrong but my faith is not founded in fear of the second coming. yes there are pre...monitions and revelations but if you have faith in Him then His second coming is what you should anticipate. You should welcome and embrace it. To one who has an unfathomable faith the end of the world equates to the second coming and second coming is meeting Him. Is this not enough for you to shout, "Jesus, I cant wait to see you face to face!"
In times like this, the strongest weapon against panicking due to ignorance is information from the reliable source. the strongest weapon against fear and uncertainty is faith in Him.
In times like this, the strongest weapon against panicking due to ignorance is information from the reliable source. the strongest weapon against fear and uncertainty is faith in Him.
The Department of Justice has ordered the NBI to hunt down the source of the radiation text hoax. Seriously though, how can the NBI locate anonymous faceless texters when they couldn’t even locate Senator Panfilo Lacson? [Tigilan n'yo nga k...ami!]
The DOJ has ordered the NBI to investigate the source of the radiation text hoax. First stop: the manufacturers of Betadine.
- prof heckler
plant vs zombies
parent-teacher-scholar conference..
siraris: here is your laptop. i hope you wont play on line games again in classroom.
mom: what will you say?
pisayo: yes sir. sorry liwat.
siraris: do you understand why your laptop was confiscated?
pisayo: yes sir.
siraris: kag indi bala wala mo man ko nakita nga gacomputer games diri sa school.
pisayo: i saw you once.
siraris: ha?!
pisayo: ti sir ang Plants vs Zombies?
siraris: hey, that was last year.
pisayo: *hums* there's a zombie in your lawn.
mom: *puzzled*
siraris: *dies laughing*
siraris: here is your laptop. i hope you wont play on line games again in classroom.
mom: what will you say?
pisayo: yes sir. sorry liwat.
siraris: do you understand why your laptop was confiscated?
pisayo: yes sir.
siraris: kag indi bala wala mo man ko nakita nga gacomputer games diri sa school.
pisayo: i saw you once.
siraris: ha?!
pisayo: ti sir ang Plants vs Zombies?
siraris: hey, that was last year.
pisayo: *hums* there's a zombie in your lawn.
mom: *puzzled*
siraris: *dies laughing*
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