Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Gusto mo ba ng tunay o artipisyal? warning: love me or hate me

My parents would always remind me never to discuss publicly topics on SEX, LOVE, & POLITICS. These are things which will make you earn or lose friends. However I will defy the reminder to prove my point on an issue which involves not only sex but also politics rolled into one.

When I asked my students and friends regarding their stand on the issue, they would either support or disapprove the bill. Never did I encounter anyone thinking about their decision on matters regarding RH bill, the Reproductive Health bill. However, most of them would later admit that they have not read the full text of the bill. It is disappointing to know that most of us would come into a decision without even looking into the entire bill.

Let me remind you that this is not written to persuade or dissuade you especially to my students who can be easily influenced by my thoughts. My blog from the very beginning was started based on the principle of teaching you both sides of the coin. It is my hope that after reading this you will at least come up with a decision based on what you think and feel is right.

DISCLAIMER: You better decide now your stand on RH bill before reading further. If you wish to change your mind on this issue then I won't know if you did because I was or am your teacher or simply because I am convincing enough.

The truth is, I gave a lecture on Data Presentation in Civil Service Commission Regional Office. I raised the RH Bill issue (which I now regret why I did) as an example for them to interpret. However, I was challenged by one of the participants to divulge my stand on the issue. I diverted the issue by telling them to ask me after my lecture ended and they had to remind me about my promise.
                                       Love me or hate me - Lady Gaga
Let the politicians do the politicking and I will let the sexists? do the fvcking. Since I am a Physics teacher I will stand by the laws of Physics and science in general. I will abide to the natural laws.

I am not really against of RH bill especially its goal towards development. I just cannot afford to nod my head to some of its provisions. I won't be enumerating the provisions of the bill I find offensive to my logic. Whatever is illogical and unnatural is a big no-no to me.

Let me remind you the case of Dolly, yes the cloned sheep and not the columnist. It was the first reported cloning of sheep but it also raised so many ethical issues. She was cloned as part of research into producing medicines in the milk of farm animals. We can only see the research and the end of solving the problem but not means in achieving it. Dolly was considered a "failure" for having arthritis and progressive lung disease. She simply "carried on" the biological age of her donor cell.

Why do we want to produce milk not only from sheep but from cows as well? Except for those who are incapable due to health reasons, some moms chose not to to save her figure, because everyone is feeding her child cow's milk and because moms do not have time to lactate her own child or due to convenience. Majority of Filipino moms would still prefer cow's milk over their own milk the reason the following ad was shown years ago which was spoofed by Bubble Gang.
See, we go beyond the natural and we are now reaping the cow-like children of today. Hindi hayop and anak mo?!

Have you heard about GMOs? It is not Gloria Macapagal Orroyo but genetically modified organisms. This is also a product of science which aims to mitigate problem on world hunger. There were several important crops like rice, corn, and eggplant genetically modified to be pest resilient and high yielding. But what happened after its introduction? We started also facing problems worse than what we had when we plant naturally. Nowadays people would even advocate to go farming naturally and organically. You better read this link about GMOs.

Now if you try to analyze the problem on milk issues is it not about a matter of attitude? How about the food crisis? Is it not because of greed? The problem lies not on issues but on its underlying issues as well. Problems cannot be solve on its own merit alone due to its complexity.
I am not against of RH bill in general but I am against anything artificial in particular. When some parts are disagreeable then what does it make of its whole?

They said that RH bill is the answer to the poverty due to overpopulation. RH bill has nothing to do with the number of people. It is a matter of how we entrust God to decide who should be born and how many. If God wants to eradicate us all then what can we do? This is a matter of faith the reason why the Church wants to get involved. People should not place in their hands to control ARTIFICIALLY/UNNATURALLY the number of people. We should let God take care of His people. If God does not want someone to be born then what can we do? Disasters happen when we allow ourselves to take charge of His will. His will equates what is natural. The following video would even support my claim.

See our misery stems from our ATTITUDE of greed. We have all what the world can offer in all our needs but not to human greed in all is form.

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